
Sun is considered to be the “King” of the planet kingdom. Sun represents higher authorities, the government, our soul, leaders, our fathers, courage, etc.
Therefore, Sun’s hora can be extremely beneficial if you want to get in touch with authoritative figures or leaders, ask for favors or send important emails, buy or sell anything, go on adventures, take on responsibilities or talk to your father, etc. It can also be a good time to meditate and connect with the soul within you. Sun represents vitality and our life force, so taking medicines during Sun hora could lead to a quick recovery. It would be wise to avoid egoistic behavior. Sun hora is strong on Sundays and on days when the Moon transits Kritikka, Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashada nakshatras. Recite the Surya (Sun) mantra and honor the light within you during the Sun Hora. You can also listen to the “Sri Aditya Hrudayam” chant to maximize its benefits. Sun’s hora is considered weak on Friday and Saturday.